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Stop Worrying Today or Get Heart Diseases, Stomach Ulcers, Diabetes, and Arthritis…

Majority of deaths today in developed countries and increasingly in the less developed world stem from just this single five letter word WORRY. 

The alarming increase in the number of heart diseases, diabetics, arthritic cases, stomach ulcers and suicide cases has been proven to be largely as a result of worry. 

Our mind, Our third eye.

Looking to the sky, you may see twinkling stars. But looking at the sky, you will hear the silent voice of the universe.

   N. E. Stan Lee.
The world is run by an interconnection of thoughts. So complex a network that it beats all scientific prowess to investigate thoroughly. 

Why You Can’t Find the Job of Your Dream (+ Proposed Solutions)

A lot of people wonder why they can’t get a job, moving from one employer to the other yet getting the same response, NO! .

Some of you have probably been attributing this to Ill luck or some form of mischievousness. 

Entrepreneurship as a Sixth Sense

Hearing the term "entrepreneur" rightly redirects one's mind towards economy. As economic beings, all humans are entrepreneurs.

Globally, entrepreneurship is about planning and taking risks,starting an idea and following it up entirely till its accomplishment, after surmounting all the obstacles which are never absent. 

5 Magical Stress Releasing Techniques That Work Instantly

This silent epidermic killer does not only shuts down your emotions but has been proven to interfere heavily with good health and greatly fortifies a wide range of life-taking disease.

Everybody has to know how to fight this problem because everybody at any one point in life is stressed. According to the WebMD these 5 techniques would revolutionize the way you manage stress and improve on the quality of your life.