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Our mind, Our third eye.

Looking to the sky, you may see twinkling stars. But looking at the sky, you will hear the silent voice of the universe.

   N. E. Stan Lee.
The world is run by an interconnection of thoughts. So complex a network that it beats all scientific prowess to investigate thoroughly. 

Every human being is a contributor to the global aggregate of occurrence. The visible world is the mirror of our thoughts, which constitute the invisible or spiritual world. 
In the 12th chapter of the Bible book of Romans, it is written "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is; His good, pleasing and perfect will."

The mind...

                It is deeper a universe than can be understood even by itself. The human mind is the third eye, the judge, it is the way. In it all events are conceived before they come to pass. It takes a higher wisdom to be able to master the functioning of the mind - the wisdom which comes with spirituality. The Bible verse clearly states that the 'perfect will of God for us lies in the renewal of our minds. Renewing a mind is the same as emptying it of negativity, as negative minds beget negative happenings while positive minds beget prosperity. Our minds were blind to negativity upon creation, but upon the first act of disobedience, humanity began soaring down to seeing and thinking, hence generating negativity into the world.
                The third eye is the eye of the mind. How we see through our third eye reflects what our mind is made of. It reflects the extent of our imagination and the polarity of our perception. A wide imagination and a positively polarised perception bring forth amazing results, while a shallow imagination and a negatively polarised perception belong to the walking dead. It is true that many of us are walking the surface of the earth, dead; lacking imagination and perceiving ill in thick and thin. This is a reversible situation, no matter your age.

 Many people begin harnessing imaginative ideas at middle age, when the scope of their imagination could be growing shallow, and they are left with little time to execute. Every child has an imagination. How much do you believe in your imagination to bother cultivating it? How much do you trust your mind to be able to listen to it? God has greater love for little children because, I reckon, they are spiritually innocent and blind to negativity. But with age comes consciousness and a greater exposure of the mind to evil. 

                This piece of writing should teach some readers and remind others of a number of worthwhile truths, amidst which I will highlight that youthfulness is usefulness, both physical and mental. We must exploit our youthful days, for out of the abundance of our youth comes the effervescence of our grey.

By Ngole E. Stanley